Within My every word is the nectar of truth... If I have spoken it, it shall come to be... Be assured of that and wait... wait... wait..... The first time the Lord Sathya Sai looked at me He made me His... There was no conversation... no knowing... no understanding... no time to even feel... He stared into my eye and that very second on I belonged to Him... and never returned myself to even my mind... One day He asked, "Do you know who you are..." Before I began to reply He said, "You are mine... and that is all that matters..." On another occasion He asked, "Are you happy?"... "Yes" I answered... "Bhagwan" I asked Him once, "What must I do to serve you?" "Baba..." I asked, "What is more important, mind or heart?" "Both" he replied... "Mind craves for joy... it journeys everywhere to find it and finally reaches the heart that is already filled with it..." Baba I asked, "What makes you so very pure and childlike?" He smiled and answered, "I don't think how to love... I do because I know I am... You think how to love... And in that you forget the spontanity of love... In that you experience yourself as 'less'... and that gives to you the false perception that you are lesser in purity... It is all in the mind... In reality you are love... and so am I..." "How do I be good Bhagwan?" I asked. "Why do I, Baba, forget to have faith?" Once He came to me and said, "Why do you worry so much?... You must not worry if I love you... You must be determined that I love you... If you are determined I have no other way other than to come stand before you and shower you with love... Have faith in your devotion and you and shall receive..." I asked Him once, "Baba can I be with you in every birth?..." |